Page 56 - Courage Redifined
P. 56

worldly affairs can lead to numerous sins. Now, let’s see how
       the mind gets disturbed. We lose some money and the mind
       gets hurt. Arre! We realize that a little handkerchief fell from
       our  pocket  and  our  mind  gets  hurt  that,  “Oh,  my  hanky!  ”
       Someone  spoke  just  a  little  rudely  that,  “Can’t  you  see  and
       walk ?  You  are  walking  so  vaguely.”  Even  if  the  opposite
       person is right, we cannot tolerate his words and the mind gets
       upset. We  taste  the  dal  and  realize  that  salt  is  less,  we  take
       a sip of tea and realize that sugar is less and our mind gets
       disturbed.  We  immediately  start  yelling,  “Arre!  What  kind
       of dal is this ?”, “Who has made this tasteless tea ?” Also at
       times when the opposite person does not greet or respect us,
       we  get  upset  and  feel,  “I  am  greeting  him  so  warmly  and
       he is not even concerned.” If it so happens that the opposite
       person asks us, “How come you are here ?”, in such a case
       we will get extremely disturbed and think, “I came here out
       of affection and he is not even bothered. What an insult! ”

       This means that the mind gets disturbed in small and baseless
       things because it is extremely undetermined.

       Q. :  But if something unpleasant occurs, isn’t it obvious that
            the mind gets disturbed ?

       A. :  No.  No  such  universal  rule  exists.  Many  people  in  our
            neighbourhood  may  be  in  trouble.  But  this  does  not
            disturb  us.  Don’t  wealthy  Jain  merchants  know  that
            many  sadharmikas  are  facing  problems  and  struggling
            in  poverty ?  Don’t  they  know  the  difficulties  they  are
            facing  in  trying  to  make  meet  ends ?  But  does  this
            disturb  the  minds  of  the  affluent  class ?  If  their  minds
            would get disturbed, then they would surely feel, “These
            people are in so much misery and distress. Let me use
            my wealth for their welfare. Religion has given me this
            wealth and comforts. If I do not utilize this for the cause

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