Page 53 - Courage Redifined
P. 53

Do not rely on the temporary experience of happiness. Even a
       mad man finds happiness if he keeps on drinking wine. Can
       we call him happy ? If yes, then do you want happiness like
       him ?  In  reality,  you  can  experience  happiness  only  if  there
       is a check on it.

       Enjoyment of pleasures is a pain whereas forsaking them is
       happiness, relaxation and beauty in the true sense. Compare
       the lives of those who are enjoying pleasures and those who
       have  left  them. Who  are  happy  and  relaxed ? Where  does  a
       woman’s  beauty  lie ?  Even  when  there  was  a  tradition  of  a
       man having many wives, have you heard of a woman having
       more  than  one  husband ? Why  not ?  Because it looks  weird
       to  even  imagine  one  woman  amidst  many  husbands.  If  the
       youth  gets  wasted  without  enjoying  sensual  pleasures,  then
       why  this  restriction  of  not  having  many  husbands ?  If  the
       husband  goes  abroad  for  6-12  months,  then  isn't  the  youth
       of the wife at home getting wasted ?

       Kamlata becomes a prostitute :

       But  this  is  a  prostitute’s  calculation  that  the  youth  gets
       wasted  without  enjoying  sensual  pleasures.  Hence  she
       tempted  Kamlata  to  not  waste  her  beautiful  youth.  Being
       under  her  great  obligation,  Kamlata  started  to  agree  to  her
       talks,  because  of  which  the  prostitute  got  the  upper  hand.
       She  started  brain  washing  Kamlata  repeatedly.  As  a  result,
       Kamlata  finally  surrendered  to  the  prostitute’s  desires  and
       began prostitution.

       If one wants to fall for the wrong and does not wish to save
       himself, then who can save him ? Karmasatta does not punish
       one immediately or else one would save himself from doing
       the  wrong  by  fearing  the  consequence.  But  karmasatta  will
       show its colors at its own time. When majority of the times,
       the result is seen in the next birth, who will fear now ?
       Keep the Mind Undisturbed...                                  43
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