Page 48 - Courage Redifined
P. 48

acts generously instead of being greedy the opponent remains
       grateful to him all his life, forgets animosity and becomes his
       friend. For that along with generosity and overcoming greed,
       one needs to have a ‘Let go’ attitude.

       Great  Emperor  Kumarpal  had  such  a  ‘Let  go’  attitude
       because  of  which  he  forgave  Arnoraja  who  had  bribed  his
       entire  army  against  him.  Arre!  Not  only  this,  he  did  not
       even  scold  or  punish  his  chief  soldiers  or  officers  who  had
       accepted Arnoraja’s bribe. He had just one calculation, “Focus
       on  the  work.  Once  the  work  is  done  what  is  the  need  for
       envy,  animosity  or  enmity ?  Why  to  keep  prejudice  for  the
       opponent’s fault which is now improved ?” This is the secret
       behind the ‘Let go’ attitude.

       Not  having  prejudice  for  anyone  keeps  the  mind  happy
       and  pure.  On  the  other  hand,  having  prejudice  for  someone
       keeps  the  mind  unhappy,  irritated  and  deceitful.  If  we  keep
       Kumarpal’s principal in front of ourself, then we will be able
       to easily let go of small inconveniences. If a powerful emperor
       like him can forgive a person who has cheated him, then why
       can't  a  powerless  person  like  me  forgive  someone  who  has
       committed small, silly mistakes ?

       We were talking about Kumarpal’s efforts to overcome greed
       which is the root of all evils.

       Kamlata at the prostitute’s place :

       The prostitute knew that she had struck gold in the form of
       Kamlata because she was so pretty, charming and young that
       even kings or princes would get attracted to her and become
       her  customers.  It  was  easy  to  trap  this  world  in  sensual
       pleasures. Hence she thought, “Let her come along with me
       to my house. Good days aren’t far.”

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