Page 46 - Courage Redifined
P. 46

King Kumarpal’s timely action :

       King  Kumarpal  did  not  go  to  talk  and  convince  the  chief
       soldiers because he very well knew that if they were bribed
       then  they  would  hand  him  over  to  the  enemy.  In  that  case,
       he would have to live an imprisoned and disrespectful life till
       his last breath. Instead it would be better to take a chance to
       save himself. Thinking on these lines, he immediately ordered
       the  Mahavat,  “Do  not  worry.  Be  fearless. Take  the  elephant
       right  near Arnoraja’s  elephant.”Mahavat  did  as  he  was  told.
       But Arnoraja got alert and ordered a Sinhnad* to be done so
       that the elephant would get scared. But intelligent Kumarpal
       was  a  step  ahead.  He  immediately  told  the  Mahavat,  “Take
       this pachhedi* and insert it in both the elephant’s ears.” The
       elephant could not hear the lion roar anymore and ran ahead
       in full speed. As soon as he stood near Arnoraja’s elephant,
       Kumarpal took a long jump and landed on Arnoraja’s elephant
       right  beside  him.  This  was  beyond Arnoraja’s  expectations.
       Before  he  could  think  or  act,  Kumarpal  was  standing  right
       beside  him.  He  was  taken  aback.  At  that  very  moment,
       Kumarpal sat on his chest and removed his sword.

       “You rascal! You have been using the word ‘Mundiya’ ? What
       do  you  mean ?  What  do  you  now  wish ?  Should  I  kill  you
       right now ?”

       Arnoraja  realised  that  death  wasn't  very  far  for  him.  He
       immediately begged for forgiveness and said, “I was mistaken.
       I am your servant. I request you to free me.”
       This turn of events occurred so swiftly that Arnoraja’s army
       could  not  come  to  protect  him. Also,  they  were  astonished
       on  seeing  Emperor  Kumarpal’s  valour  and  courage.  Where
       was the chance to come for protection ? If they would come

       *Sinhnad- Lion roar
       *Pachhedi- A specific type of stick

       36                                                Courage Redefined
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