Page 49 - Courage Redifined
P. 49

Kamlata did not recognize her as a prostitute but took her as
       a nice woman and thought, “This seems to be a good shelter.
       Where will I roam ? If she is inviting me so warmly, I should
       accept  the  offer,”  Thus,  she  went  along  with  the  prostitute.
       She  stayed  at  her  place  for  some  days  and  realized  that  her
       taste, clothes and living style matched with that of a prostitute.
       She became tension free and happy.

       Q. : Isn’t this tension free attitude and happiness good ?

       A. :  No. Look where is this going to lead her to. Many people
            become tension free and happy on marrying a pretty and
            caring  woman.  But  it  may  happen  that  because  of  her
            affection  and  obligations,  they  forget  their  enthusiasm
            for religious activities and other virtues like generosity,
            kindness, etc. Sometimes if you meet such a person and
            ask him, “How much have you progressed in the matter
            of religion ?”

       He  will  defend  himself  by  saying,  “What  progress ?  I  still
       continue  doing Arihanta  Lord’s  pooja,  etc.  that  I  previously
       used  to  do.”  When  you  retort  by  saying,  “Arre!  But  your
       enthusiasm,  contribution  of  time  and  energy  seems  to  have
       decreased.”He will answer, “No. Nothing as such but because
       of these responsibilities, there will be an obvious decrease in
       time.”Nowhere  is  there  any  acceptance  or  regret  over  one’s
       mistake.  He  will  not  even  utter  a  word  about  the  entry  of
       the  loving  partner  in  his  life  which  has  actually  led  to  the
       tension  free  attitude  and  the  decrease  of  religion  in  his  life.
       Women, wealth, house and office, respect and affection are all
       worldly objects. Happiness in relation to these worldly objects
       is  dangerous  because  it  makes  one  forget  religion  and  the
       welfare of the soul and drags one in sinful activities. Men get
       married to their desired partner and then forget their parent’s

       Greed - The Root of all Evil                                  39
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