Page 55 - Courage Redifined
P. 55

hearted saint named Vishwabhuti in one of his previous births.
       In spite of his strict penance and non -attachment he lost his
       temper  on  hearing  the  taunting  words  of  his  cousin  brother.
       He could not suppress his pride (Kashaya). His determination
       was so much so that he not only flung a cow high in the air
       but  after  keeping  it  safely  on  the  ground,  he  did  a  Niyanu*
       for his Bala (strength)

       Loss  of  determination  on  mind  getting  disturbed:
       Vishwabhooti’s Niyanu :

       Saint  Vishwabhuti’s  ego  got  hurt  on  being  insulted  by  his
       brother  because of  which  he ended up  doing a Niyanu that,
       “May  I  possess  abundant  strength  in  the  next  birth  as  a
       result of my penance and worldly renunciation in this birth.”
       Didn’t he realize at that time that, “I have done this penance
       and  renounced  the  world  to  attain  salvation.  Then  how  can
       I  desire  for  this  in  return ?”  No  but  he  could  not  think  on
       those  lines  because  his  mind  had  lost  its  capacity  to  think
       rationally  due  to  the  taunting  words  spoken  by  his  brother.
       He  thought,  “I  do  not  desire  anything  like  salvation.  If  my
       penance  and  renounciation  are  really  fruitful,  may  I  get  my
       desired strength from it.” As a result, he became the powerful
       TriprushthaVasudev  who  possessed  abundant  strength  but
       eventually he was sent to the seventh hell in the next birth.
       Can  you  imagine  the  terrible  outcome  of  the  mind  getting
       disturbed ? As  his  ego  got  hurt,  he  flung  the  innocent  cow
       high  in  the  air  and  due  to  this  hurt  ego,  he  forgot  salvation
       and  desired  worldly  strength.  This  gave  him  such  abundant
       strength  which  made  him  the  Triprushtha  Vasudev  but  later
       sent  him  to  the  dungeons  of  seventh  hell.  This  needs  to  be
       noted  that,  the  mind  that  gets  distributed  in  some  meagre

       * Niyanu -  Asking for strength, wealth, beauty, power etc. in return of
       Keep the Mind Undisturbed...                                  45
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