Page 59 - Courage Redifined
P. 59

“I have this precious Charitra with me. Now if I have to face
       some external problems, why should it disturb me ?”

       To  conclude,  think  about  the  dearest  and  precious  path  of
       Charitra  that  you  have  and  there  will  remain  no  chance  of
       unhappiness or stress.
       Thus, by keeping his mind undisturbed on  the power of his
       penance,  Lord  Rishabhdeva  created  the  Punya  of  becoming,

       Everyone needs to keep this in mind that if on one hand, we
       perform  religious  activities  and  on  the  other  hand,  we  keep
       our mind in tension and distress, then this is a terrible fault
       and Karmasatta’s great crime.

       Q. :  How can we call these mental disturbances to be a great
            crime ?

       1)  The first reason why mental disturbances are terrible :

       We  get  upset  by  giving  importance  to  little  things  and  then
       worrying  about  its  loss.  But  we  forget  about  the  strong
       consolation that, “I have the empire of the 3 worlds. Then why
       shouldn't  I  constantly  remember  the  favors  of  the  Arihanta
       Lords,  chant  Navkar  Mantra  and  praise  the  good  deeds  of
       others ? Why should I dwell my mind in the external minor
       problems ?”

       If we consider the above things to be precious and have respect
       and love towards it, then whenever any external unfavorable
       or stressful situations arise, we should start chanting Navkar
       Mantra. We need to recognize ourselves. Since infinite times,
       we have always been engrossed in external material things and
       have  thus  pampered  and  conditioned  our  mind. As  a  result,
       even little inconveniences trouble and stress our mind which
       makes us forget the valuable Navkar Mantra at that moment.

       Keep the Mind Undisturbed...                                  49
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