Page 64 - Courage Redifined
P. 64

innumerable little creatures and he also committed the sin
          of ‘Maha Parigrah’* because of the Rathakambal.

       9)  He hid the precious Kambal in a huge bamboo stick and
          lied to the thieves by saying, “I do not possess anything.”

       10)  When the thieves opened the bamboo stick and took away
           his  Kambal,  he  pleaded  and  begged  in  front  of  those

       Why are we counting each and every little thing ? To realize
       that the little intolerance to bear other’s appreciation lead to
       such  a  terrible  outcome  and  dragged  the  saint  in  so  many

       Isn't this mental disturbance dreadful ?

       When does the mind become weak ?

       When  the  mind  becomes  weak,  it  gets  disturbed.  If  other’s
       praise,  wealth  and  progress  affect  the  mind,  then  it  surely
       becomes  weak.  Similarly,  if  one  feels  bad  about  little
       inconveniences and scolding on the loss or spoilage of some
       things,  then  the  mind  becomes  weak.  Same  is  the  case  of
       mental  joy.  If  you  become  happy  in  the  little  things  like
       earning a little getting tasty food or good clothes or attaining
       fame and respect, then the mind becomes weak here also.

       A strong mind has neither joy nor disturbance. The mind that
       is affected by either of this is weak. The number of sins that
       such a mind invites is endless.

       Thus,  if  you  want  to  save  your  mind  from  sins,  misdeeds,
       vices or negative thoughts, then do not let it weaken. If you
       do  not  want  it  to  become  weak,  then  do  not  get  pleased  or
       displeased in small worldly affairs. To do so, you need to have
       strong faith in Almighty Arihanta Lord’s teaching.

       * Maha Parigrah -  Extreme fondness for a particular object
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