Page 69 - Courage Redifined
P. 69

unchangeable. If it is so, then no one can exercise religion
            and attain its good fruits. Because each individual has a
            sinful  mind  and  is  surrounded  by  sins  before  acquiring
            a  religious  outlook.  Now  if  the  previous  sins  were  an
            outcome  of  Nikachit  (unchangeable)  Papanubandhi
            Punya  then,  the  sinful  mind  would  never  improve  and
            religion would never enter in his life. But infinite souls
            have  overcome  their  sinful  mind,  attained  a  religious
            outlook  and  acquired  salvation.  This  proves  that,  there
            are  many  such  Anikachit  (changeable)  Papanubandhi
            Punya  which  change  on  getting  a  suitable  factor  and
            appropriate efforts.

       1) Suitable factors can change a sinful mind :

       A sinful mind is active during routine life but if you happen
       to  visit  a  holy  pilgrimage  place  its  intensity  decreases.
       Gautam Indrabhuti Brahmin was fuming in rage against Lord
       Mahavira. This was a sinful mind. But no sooner did he see
       Lord’s Samavasaran, heard his name from Lord’s mouth and
       heard  the  answer  of  his  doubt,  his  ego  and  anger  subsided.
       Now,  comparethis  to  the  act  of  listening  to  a  Vyakhyan
       (religious  discourse).  Before  listening  to  the  Vyakhyan,  the
       mind and body is constantly engaged in sins but after listening
       to the sermon, the sinful mind becomes inactive. The intensity
       of sins decreases greatly.
       The sight of a pure ascetic life also leads to decrease in the
       intensity of sins:

       An opponent sent murderers to kill a Saint. Till they reached
       the innocent saint sleeping in moonlight, their mind had just
       one thought, “We will kill him with this knife.” Such a cruel
       sinful  thought!  In  the  meanwhile,  while  they  were  standing
       there, the saint changed sides in his sleep. Before doing so, he
       picked up his Rajoharan lying by the side and did Pramarjana
       Keep the Mind Undisturbed...                                  59
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