Page 74 - Courage Redifined
P. 74

Due  to  wrong  thoughts  and  the  habit  of  looking  here  and
       there, the mind does not remain steady in Arihanta Parmatma’s
       worship and virtues.

       Will  worship  done  in  such  a  half-heated  manner  help ?
       After  worshipping  Lord  in  such  a  way,  will  Lord  stay  in
       our memory after leaving the temple ? You climbed the great
       Tirthadhiraja  Shatrunjay  and  worshipped  almighty  Adinath.
       After leaving the temple, for how long will Lord stay in your
       memory ?  Till  you  climb  down  the  Shatrunjay  Mountain  or
       till  you  have  Bhatu  at  the  Bhataghar  located  on  the  Taleti
       road or till you reach your Dharamshala ? When do you next
       remember Lord Adinath again ? You will say, probably on the
       next day when we climb Shatrunjay again and worship Lord
       Adinath. What about the 22 – 23 hours in between ? This is
       because  you  do  not  have  the  courage  to  save  yourself  from
       exercising  those  sins.  Only  if  you  remain  determined,  can

        (1) Save yourself from sins.

        (2)  Not get dragged away in the greed of wealth and sensual

       What did Shrenik consider himself ?
       Q. :  Shrenik had binded the great Tirthankara Namakarma and
            possessed  Kshayik  Samyaktva*.  Will  you  call  Shrenik
            undetermined ?

       A. :  We cannot say so. Instead, we should think about what
            he  said  and  believed.  During  his  last  times,  when  he
            was imprisoned by his son Konik, he taught, “Great are
            Meghkumar,  Nandishera,  Abhaykumar  who  renounced
            the  world  and  accepted  diksha  from  Lord  Mahavira!

      * Samyaktva -  Right  faith  in  accordance  with  the  preaching  of  Lord

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