Page 79 - Courage Redifined
P. 79

The dreadful sin :

       He  had  seen  his  mother  at  the  tender  age  of  two  and  never
       thereafter.  Hence,  he  could  not  recognize  her.  Similarly,
       Kamlata had also seen him when he was a little child. Now,
       he had become a young man and hence, even she could not
       identify him as her son. To hide their sinful acts, both of them
       had hidden their real identities, too. As a result, without even
       the  slightest  idea  of  their  relation,  they  fell  in  this  horrible
       act of adultery.

       The dreadfulness of ignorance :

       Isn’t ignorance really dreadful ? They shared blood relations
       of mother and son. But unawareness about it lead to such a
       dreadful act.

       Scriptures state that ignorance is a greater crime than violence,
       deceit, theft, or lies because ignorance is the root cause of all
       these crimes. A person who is not aware of his soul does not
       realize that this soul will have to face terrible sorrows in the
       next births due to crimes like violence and theft committed by
       him. Hence, he does not stay away from crimes. In the short
       run, he believes that it gives him happiness. But he does not
       realize the bitter fruits that he would have to face in the next
       birth. Hence, he does not think twice before performing any
       sinful act. Thus, the root of all is ignorance.
       Till  ignorance  about  the  soul  persists,  sorrows  will  not
       end :

       Kalikal     Sarvagya      Shri     Hemchandrasoorishwarjee
       Maharaja states in Yogshastra :

       Sorrow  emerges  from  the  ignorance  of  the  soul  and  hence
       this sorrow ends by the right knowledge of the soul. Severe
       penance  done  without  such  true  knowledge  is  also  not
       sufficient to eliminate sorrows.
       Ignorance : A Curse                                           69
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