Page 76 - Courage Redifined
P. 76

then does he commit sins. The thirst for wealth and sensual
       pleasure is such that a man does not have the courage to avoid
       it and thus get dragged away in it. After getting dragged away
       in these pleasures, there is no looking back. He will exercise
       sins as per his wish without any control ?

       How  did  Shrenik  consider  himself ?  Undetermined  and  a
       coward. As  a  result,  he  made  constant  efforts  and  exercised
       various  rituals  which  resulted  in  the  emergence  of  Kshayik
       Samyaktva and Tirthankara Namakarma. He did not succumb
       to  various  desires  leading  to  increase  in  Mithyatva*.  This
       can  be  considered  his  courage.  In  spite  of  this,  he  would
       not  renounce  the  material  world  and  the  various  pleasures
       it offered. This shows that Shrenik was indeterminate and a

       Indetermination lead to sins :

       If  you  do  not  keep  the  mind  occupied  in  the  study  of
       Scriptures,  then  it  is  bound  to  get  dragged  away  in  other
       worldly thoughts. This is sure to make the mind undetermined
       and weak which will again result in unwanted thoughts related
       to wealth and other desires. The result ? A sinful mind and life.

       How did the saint overcome his unwanted thoughts ?

       The  wise  Acharya  Bhagwant  had  realized  that  his  disciple
       saint’s  mind  had  become  idle  without  the  Swadhyaya  of
       scriptures  due  to  the  past  karmas  binded  by  him.  This  had
       made him undetermined. Thus, the root of the problem was an
       idle mind. Hence, the most effective solution was to occupy
       his mind in some work so that it did not become idle.

       According to the Acharya Bhagwant’s guidance, the saint got
       engaged  in  imparting  knowledge  to  his  co-saints  right  from

      * Mithyatva -  false  beliefs  which  are  against  the  teachings  of  Lord
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