Page 80 - Courage Redifined
P. 80

Sage  Kamath,  was  doing  severe  penance  without  any  true
       knowledge about the soul. Hence, when Prince Parshwakumar
       removed a half- burnt snake from the wood used by him in his
       Yagna, he was astonished. Instead of thinking, “Oh no, what
       a pitiful state the innocent snake is in due to the fire of my
       Yagna! ”, he developed a feeling of hatred and animosity for
       Prince Parshwakumar. Sage Kamath had not identified the real
       nature of his soul. If he would have kept the eternal soul in
       front of his eyes which was roaming in this cycle of birth and
       death due to various sins like violence, dishonesty, etc., then
       he  would  have  surely  regretted  his  act  and  would  have  felt
       happy, after knowing the truth. But he was unaware about this
       and hence, he was trapped in dejection and unhappiness.

       Arre!  After  this  incident,  he  did  more  severe  penance  and
       followed stricter vows. Why ? To attain spiritual welfare ? No,
       but to take revenge against Prince Parshwakumar because of
       whom he had lost prestige amongst the people. He thought,
       “I will increase my penance and become a Deva* with super
       natural powers. I will show the world the result of harassing
       me.” He really become a Vyantor Deva in the next birth, but
       did  he  attain  true  happiness ?  No.  After  Lord  Parshwanath
       become a saint, he was fuming with rage against him.

       Envy and hatred is such a strong negative feeling that in spite
       of  abundant  instruments  of  joy  and  comfort,  it  does  not  let
       one  stay  happy  and  relaxed.  Instead,  one  is  always  burning
       with sorrow and anxiety.

       Even in this example, Kamath had done severe penance. But
       did his sorrow end ? No. Because, end of sorrow is impossible
       without true knowledge about the soul.

       Q. :  This  sorrow  and  mental  disturbance  is  due  to  hatred.

       * Deva - A celestial being possessing miraculous powers

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