Page 83 - Courage Redifined
P. 83

morning  atmosphere,  contemplate  whether  you  really  know
       your soul. Try to identify your soul.

       1)  If I really know and identify it, then am I cautious about
          it being binded orfreed from the ties of Karmas ?

       2)  Am I enthusiastic about performing good acts of compassion,
          philanthropy, penance and renounciation ?

       3)  Am I selfish and wicked ? Do I act greedy on seeing food
          and wealth ?
       4)  Am  I  aware  that  anger,  greed,  deceit  and  pride  are  my
          negative traits ?

       5)  Do  I  feel  bad  on  getting  carried  away  by  any  of  these
          vices ?

       6)  By great luck, I have acquired the Almighty Arihanta Lords
          in this birth, which showed me the real nature of the soul ?
          Do I live up to it ?

       During the unpolluted and quiet atmosphere before day-break,
       contemplating  on  such  thoughtscan  bring  a  heart  touching
       revolution in your life.

       Prayer to Lord :

       After such deep contemplation, pray to God in a soft voice,
       “O God! You did a great favour on me by helping me identify
       my  soul  but,  it  is  my  misfortune  and  weakness  that  instead
       of thinking about my soul, I am constantly worried about my
       body and wealth, relatives, family, status and business. I am
       not  ready  to  understand  the  soul’s  vices  and  the  causes  that
       throw  the  soul  in  the  dungeons  of  hell  and  other  such  low
       births.  O  Lord!  Save  me.  Help  me  identify  the  true  nature
       of the soul. O Almighty! Prevent me from exercising all that
       is harmful for the soul and even if I happen to exercise the
       Ignorance : A Curse                                           73
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