Page 87 - Courage Redifined
P. 87

After  some  years,  she  started  doing  charity  and  my  father
       went  there  to  get  some  money.  Kamlata  gave  him  abundant
       wealth and called him at the Goddess’s Temple on the fateful
       night  of  Kali  Chaudasa  to  help  her  flee  from  the  king  and
       come back home. But he never returned home. Hence, I am
       now an orphan without either a mother or a father. I left my
       home town to travel across the country and eventually ended
       up here.”

       Kamlata was  shocked  on hearing this. A  chill ran down  her
       spine.“What did I do ? Such a dreadful act with my own son!
       But if I unravel the truth to him, he will also be shocked. What
       if he cannot face the truth ? What it he ends up committing
       suicide ?” Thinking on these lines, she did not utter a single word.
       Now  the  question  that  arises  here  is  that  why  didn’t  the
       Brahmin ask about the prostitute’s history or how she ended
       up becoming a prostitute.

       The  answer  is  that  people  on  this Arya  land  have  a  strong
       faith  that  women  from  renowned  and  good  families  would
       never  accept  such  a  low  occupation  of  prostitution.  They
       thought  that  only  women  from  low  families  or  those  born
       due to some injustice or those who are abandoned right after
       birth  or  those  who  had  come  accidentally  in  the  hands  of
       some prostitute would accept such a low-profile occupation.
       Otherwise, a person from a noble family would never engage
       in such a profession. “What to inquire about the life of such
       a  woman  from  such  a  downtrodden  family ?”  Due  to  such
       an  understanding,  the  Brahmin  scholar  did  not  question

       The characteristics of a noble class :

       In  the  past,  there  was  such  a  firm  belief  related  to  people
       hailing from a noble family that they would never cross the
       Ignorance : A Curse                                           77
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