Page 91 - Courage Redifined
P. 91

Apart from criticism of religion in the society, it is a question
       as to whether such people can follow all the vows and oaths
       of the strict Diksha (ascetic) life. This is because:

       i)  It  is  quite  possible  that  during  some  occasion  the  saint
         would  go  back  to  his  roots  i.e.  while  following  his  code
         of conduct, his original slang language would come out or
         he would behave in an indecent manner. Due to this other
         good saints would face difficulty and people around would
         criticize Sadhus.

       ii)  Secondly, if a situation arises where his previous Charitra
          Mohaniya  Karmas  come  into  action,  then  due  to  a  low
          family background, he will get dragged towards that wrong
          act.  On  the  other  hand,  a  person  hailing  from  the  noble
          family  will  be  worried  about  saving  the  prestige  of  his
          family  and  will  think  twice  before  exercising  any  wrong
          act. But the person from a low family is not worried about
          his family status and will plunge into wrong acts.

       Thus, it is the characteristic of a person coming from a noble
       family that he will properly follow the path accepted by him
       and not break the code of conduct laid down for him. He will
       not take wrong turns in life.

       In  this  case  also  the  Brahmin  scholar  believed  that  the
       prostitute would not be from a reputed family and hence did
       not  inquire  about  her  family  background.  Next  day  he  left
       the town.

       But  Kamlata  was  extremely  disturbed  on  hearing  the  truth
       from the Brahmin scholar. She suffered a major setback and
       heavily regretted all her past acts.

       Kamlata’s deep remorse :

       “Arre! Where  did  I  reach ?  Physical  relations  with  my  own
       son! A decent, loyal Brahmin’s wife at one time and now the
       Ignorance : A Curse                                           81
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