Page 93 - Courage Redifined
P. 93

peacefully continue his penance and daily rituals, he decided
      to  do  complete  Moun,  stay  outside  the  city  and  concentrate
      on  meditation.  Nastik  spread  rumours  all  over  the  city  that
      the saint did not have any evidence to prove the existence of
      the soul, punya, paap, etc. and hence preferred to sit silently
      outside  the  city.  But  one  fine  day  even  the  egoistic  atheist
      suffered a setback.

      It  so  happened  that  during  monsoon  it  poured  cats  and
      dogs.  The  lowlands  outside  the  city  fort  were  completely
      flooded.  But  the  surprising  event  was  that  the  area  around
      the meditating saint was completely dry due to the impact of
      his  strict  penance  and  severe  fasts.  People  who  climbed  the
      fort walls to witness the floods happened to notice this miracle
      and  were  totally  amazed.  Word  spread  like  wildfire,  “Look,
      at  the  effect  of  religion!  ” After  witnessing  such  a  miracle
      who would believe in Asamat Nastik’s words ? People started
      condemning him and his beliefs.

      Does religion really show miraculous results ?

      History  is  the  witness  to  Shankaracharya’s  attack  on  the
      great  pilgrimage  place,  Jiravalaji.  At  that  time,  an  Acharya
      Bhagwant gave a tough fight with great valor and courage to
      save the holy place and the Chaturvidha Sangha. Had he not
      demonstrated such exemplary courage, the Lord's idol would
      have  been  reduced  to  bits  and  pieces  and  the  sangha  would
      have been destroyed.

      Shripal  charitra  describes  the  situation  where  Dhaval  Sheth
      threw King Shripal in the sea and then moved ahead towards
      his  two  beautiful  wives  to  make  them  his  wives.  As  he
      approached the princesses, his eyes lost vision and he could
      not track their where abouts.
      A  few  years  ago,  the  desert  region  of  Kutch  was  hit  by  a

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