Page 96 - Courage Redifined
P. 96

If  you  are  courageous,  only  then  you  will  be  able  to  blame
       your own karmas for your troubles instead of blaming others.
       You  can  also  say  that  once  you  understand  and  start  seeing
       the  fault  of  your  karmas,  it  will  increase  your  courage  and
       reduce hatred towards others.

       There are many occasions inlife where you can get a chance
       to increase your courage.

       Human being is a goldmine of courage and valour.

       Importance of courage :
       You should develop the art of extracting gems from the mine.
       Do  not  undervalue  the  importance  of  courage.  Human  life
       is  considered  valuable  only  due  to  the  presence  of  courage.
       Many  other  virtues  follow  courage.  Also,  courage  stops
       the  emergence  of  many  vices.  Hence,  courage  is  of  utmost
       importance.  In  day-to-day  life  also,  courageous  person  is
       valued everywhere, not a coward.

       How to overcome anger, pride, jealousy, etc. ?

       One needs to make a strong resolution that, “I do not want to
       lose my courage by lusting over temporary material objects.”
       What  is  the  benefit  of  such  a  resolution ?  It  will  lead  to  a
       gradual decrease in anger, jealousy, attraction of beauty and
       good  taste  and  improve  control  over  sensual  desires  and
       temptations because one will think, “If I succumb to anger, my
       courage will decrease. Let me not get angry and burn in the
       fire of envy. Let me not get tempted in delicious tastes.”

       Asamat  Nastik  was  a  coward.  Hence  when  people  started
       singing the holy saint’s glory, he burned with envy, saw the
       saint’s faults, blamed him for his criticism and attempted to
       burn  him  alive.  A  mind  without  courage  engages  in  such
       cowardly acts and thoughts.

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