Page 98 - Courage Redifined
P. 98

criticism of religion in his current birth. He began a journey
       of  deep  remorse  and  regretted  each  and  every  sin  done  by
       him.  He  despised  his  ego  and  his  body  which  lead  to  such
       grave sins. He developed a strong feeling of non-attachment
       to temporary worldly objects including his body. Additionally,
       he further progressed in the sentiments of Charitra and thus
       eliminated  all  his  worldly  ties  of  attachment  and  hatred.
       Eventually became a vitaraga sarvagya. He attained Kevalgyan

       Can such a hardcore atheist attain Kevalgyan ? Yes, only the
       one  who  is  prepared  to  cut  the  ties  of  love  and  hatred  and
       develop a feeling of non-attachment towards all worldly objects
       including  one's  own  body  can  attain  Kevalgyan. Though  he

       was  an  atheist  in  the  past  and  a  criticizer  of  religion,  but
       he  was  ready  to  forsake  his  atheism  and  become  a  staunch
       follower of religion. Then who can stop him ?

       Just  as  an  atheist  will  have  to  forsake  his  atheism  to  move
       ahead, similarly we have to believe in the existence of God
       and  religion  and  resist  our  sensual  temptations. We  are  still
       enveloped by feelings of love and hatred. We can move ahead
       only  if  we  have  the  inner  desire  to  forsake  them.  On  self-
       realization,  the  atheism  Nastik  deeply  regretted  his  atheism.
       Does our attraction to worldly pleasures, our vices like anger,
       pride, etc. pinch us ? Do we regret our wrong acts ? Do we
       whole-heartedly strive to cut down our attractions and vices ?
       If no, then can we be called believers of God ? Atheists are
       wrong and we are right. But what on basis can we say so ?
       Here,  the  atheist  eventually  uprooted  his  negative  thought
       process  completely  and  we  do  not  even  attempt  to  decrease
       our worldly ties, then can we be called real and loyal believers
       of God ? Can we accuse the atheist to be guilty ?

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