Page 95 - Courage Redifined
P. 95

Nastik’s wickedness :

       Nastik was criticized and condemned by one and all. He felt
       insulted  and  blamed  the  saint  as  the  root  cause  of  his  state.
       He was fuming with rage against the saint. To take revenge
       one  night  he  placed  woods  around  the  saint,  lit  them  and
       ranaway.  Someone  else’s  fault  and  someone  else  faces  the
       This is the weird state of people in the world today. In spite
       of  facing  problems  due  to  their  own  mistakes,  they  blame
       others for it and harbor hatred and envy towards them. Was
       the  saint  at  fault  here ?  His  only  act  was  staying  strong  in
       his  penance  and  fasts.  Now  can  this  be  considered  a  fault ?
       Is  this  a  mistake ?  No.  This  was  Nastik’s  meanness  that  he
       considered  the  saint  to  be  the  cause  of  his  defamation  and
       public criticism.

       Cowards overlook their mistakes and blame others.

       We  should  analyze  this  in  our  day-to-day  life  and  try  to
       understand  whether  we  commit  the  same  mistake.  For  eg.
       you came back late from office and the food was a little cold.
       What will you think ? Seeing your own fault, will you console
       the opposite person saying, “Do not worry. You prepared the
       food  on  time  but  I  got  late  and  food  got  cold.  But  it  isn't
       ice  cold,  so  do  not  worry.”  Or  instead  of  staying  calm  and
       composed, you start blaming the opposite person by saying,
       “I  work  hard  all  day  so  can't  you  just  ensure  to  serve  hot
       food ?” If you say so, then it implier that you are seeing the
       opposite  person’s  fault.  This  happens  due  to  cowardness.  If
       you consider this from the spiritual angle, the problems that
       one faces may seem to be arising due to some person or place
       but in reality, they are the outcome of one’s own past karmas.
       It  is  a  thumb  rule  that  no  one  except  our  own  Karmas  can
       trouble us.
       Ignorance : A Curse                                           85
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