Page 90 - Courage Redifined
P. 90

would  not  have  given  them  a  chance  to  criticize  religion
          and ensured that others appreciated our religious activities,
          then  they  would  become  Sulabh  Bodhi  i.e.  reserved  Jain
          religion  in  their  future  births.  But  providing  them  wrong
          reasons  to  condemn  religion  will  surely  drag  them  away
          from this priceless Jain religion.

       “Not getting Jain religion in the coming births, getting dragged
       away  from  religion”  means  that  one  develops  a  feeling  of
       irritation and hatred for religion and likes to stay engrossed in
       sinful activities. Thus, he is bound to suffer in a series of bad
       births. Thus, we can say that the one who criticizes religion
       and the one who hears such criticism are both at fault. Both
       of  them  are  engaged  in  sins  and  eventually  end  up  in  bad
       births. But it can be said that the real culprit is the one who
       gave  a  chance  to  criticize  religion  in  the  initial  stage.  How
       great is this crime ? By giving a chance to criticize religion,
       he made the speaker as well as the listener devoid of religious
       sentiments,  thus  keeping  them  away  from  the  acquisition  of
       religion in future.

       To avoid such a situation by feeling sorry for the consequences
       that  innocent  people  will  have  to  suffer,  one  should  avoid
       becoming instrumental in such criticism of religion.

       If you can understand this, then you will be able to understand
       the reason behind the prohibition to give Diksha to a person
       from a low class in spite of his detachment towards the world.
       Innocent and ignorant people will condemn the religion which
       accepted  him.  As  a  result,  becoming  a  saint,  may  prove
       beneficial to his soul, but it may harm the spiritual welfare of
       many other souls for a long time. Shouldn’t such carelessness
       be avoided ?
       Other reasons as to why a person hailing from low, scheduled
       caste should not be given Diksha :

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