Page 94 - Courage Redifined
P. 94

massive  earthquake.  Great  Acharya  Bhagwant  Kanaksooriji
       Maharaja was present in an Upashraya* there. For the ongoing
       work  of  Jirnoddhar  (reconstruction),  thousands  of  tons  of
       stone were lying on the Upashraya terrace. Imagine the state
       of  the  building  with  such  a  heavy  weight  lying  on  the  top.
       But due to the impact of the great Acharya Bhagwant’s strict
       Sayam*, no damage was incurred.

       In Lord Naminath’s temple located in Mumbai, thieves raided
       the  temple  one  night  and  the  locks  were  found  broken.  But
       to everyone’s surprise. Lord’s ornaments and Mukut (crown)
       were intact. Nothing was stolen. What do you think happened
       that night ? The thieves seemed to have lost vision and could
       not find anything. Eventually, they got exhausted and left the
       temple without stealing anything.
       A Shravaka who observed strict penance and used to meditate
       on  Navkar  Mantra  was  assessed  by  the  Income  Tax  Dept.
       and a demand of Rs. 33, 000 was levied. On the day of final
       hearing, he went to the court sat down peacefully and started
       chanting the Navkar Mantra. Why ? To win the case by Navkar
       Mantra’s impact ? No, but because he believed that the efforts
       put  to  attain  wealth  or  for  material  pleasures  are  secondary.
       Efforts for religion are of utmost importance and beneficial to
       one and all in this birth as well as in future births. Such was
       his strong faith and due to the impact of his religious faith,
       the  court  rejected  the  Income Tax  Department’s  assessment.

       These are just a few examples of the impact of religion. Due
       to Lalitang muni’s strong penance, the space surrounding him
       was not flooded. People saw this and told the foolish atheist,
       “Look,  you  said  there  is  nothing  like  the  soul  or  religion.
       But here, the miraculous powers of religion can be seen for
       everyone. Stop ridiculing religion, now! ”

       * Upashraya - A place where Jain monks stay
       * Sayam – A strict ascetic life

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