Page 89 - Courage Redifined
P. 89

(food) from such low caste houses because people may
            comment, “The one who accepts Gochari from such dirty
            houses, their religion must also be so dirty! ”

       While  we  follow  a  million-dollar  religion,  our  actions  must
       not be such that people criticize our religion.
       Why  should  we  not  be  instrumental  in  causing  criticism  of
       religion ? Out of compassion of others.

       We cannot think that, “Let people criticise religion. They will
       pay for it. What can I do ?” The reason here is that if we have
       the power, we should strive to stop the criticism of religion,
       leave alone becoming instrumental in causing such criticism.
       If someone is dying due to hunger or thirst, it is our duty to
       save them by providing water or food. But can we play a role
       in causing their death ? Similar is the case here.

       If  people  criticise  religion,  it  leads  to  2  major  dis-

       1)  If criticism of religion is happening on a widespread scale,
          innocent and normal creatures will keep away from religion.
          They  will  think,  “Why  to  accept  a  religion  which  is  bad
          and criticized all around ?” Thus, innocent people will stop
          from  getting  attracted  towards  religion,  stay  immersed  in
          sins  and  will  fall  in  the  dungeons  of  hell  and  other  low

       2)  The second disadvantage is that those who criticize religion
          eventually  became  Durlabh  Bodhi,  that  is,  by  criticizing
          religion  they  will  bind  such  deep  Mithyatva  Mohaniya
          Karmas that in the coming births they will not be able to
          attain Bodhi i.e. faith in Jain religion. Poor people! They
          have  not  attained  proper  religion  in  this  birth  and  they
          have  created  a  position due  to which they will not attain
          religion  in  the  coming  births.  On  the  other  hand,  if  we
       Ignorance : A Curse                                           79
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