Page 88 - Courage Redifined
P. 88

society  norms  in  routine  life.  Hence,  belonging  to  a  noble
       family  was  one  of  the  virtue  of  an  ideal  Shravaka  (a  Jain
       householder). It is also one of the requirements to be fulfilled
       in order to accept Diksha. Why so ?

       i)  Because  those  who  hail  from  noble  a  family  will  never
         walk  on  the  wrong  or  prohibited  path.  They  will  never
         perform  bad  activities  which  would  lead  to  criticism  of
         religion.  Otherwise,  if  a  sadhu  or  shravaka  engaged  in
         wrong  activities,  it  would  lead  to  criticism  of  the  entire
         religion  that,  “Look,  what  kind  of  religion  these  people
         follow ? Does religion give them the permission to perform
         such  activities ?”  This  is  the  reason  that  a  person  from  a
         low family is not considered suitable for giving Diksha. A
         person  hailing  from  a  noble  family  will  definitely  glorify
         religion in future.
       A question that is bound to rise here is,

       Q. :  Why can’t people from low, backward families be given
            Diksha ?

            If a person from a low and backward caste has developed
            a feeling of non-attachment towards the material world
            and desires to renounce the world, can’t he be considered
            appropriate  for  giving  Diksha ?  After  having  such  a
            realization will he still perform any wrong activities ?

       A. :  The prohibition to give Diksha to such people is basically
            to avoid the criticism of Jain religion. Because if such a
            person is accepted as a Jain saint, people would comment
            that,  “This  Jain  religion  seems  low  and  valueless  to
            accept  such  low  caste  people.  If  the  religion  is  of  a
            high  quality,  then  can  it  be  given  to  low  people ?”  To
            avoid such criticism, such low caste people should not be
            made a Jain saint. Jain saints should not obtain Gochari

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