Page 97 - Courage Redifined
P. 97

Asamat Nastik arranged woods around the saint and ignited
       them.  But  attracted  by  the  saint’s  religious  steadiness,  the
       Kshetra Devta burnt the woods and left the saint unharmed.
       Not  even  his  hair  was  burnt.  On  the  next  day,  Nastik  came
       to  look  at  the  saint’s  state  and  was  amazed  to  see  the  saint
       standing steady amidst the heap of burnt ashes around him.

       Nastik’s regret :

       Seeing this, Nastik’s mind changed. He analyzed, “Arre! What
       happened ?  The  woods  have  reduced  to  ashes  but  the  saint
       is  still  intact!  It  doesn’t  seem  that  the  saint  had  run  away
       somewhere because in that case the woods would have been
       scattered  here  and  there.  But  here  the  ashes  are  arranged  in
       the same manner as the woods which I had assembled. This
       proves that the saint did not leave his place. The fact that the
       fire did not burn him proves the miraculous power of religion.
       Does  religion  really  possess  such  incomparable  power ?  I
       believed that nothing like religion exists. But now I have to
       believe that, religion is not imaginary but a solid fact. Only
       then can it possess such unmatchable powers. This great saint
       exercised his religion and experienced such a magical effect.
       Then why should I deny the presence of religion ? Why am I
       misguiding people ? I am such a sinner to drag people away
       from religion and engross them in sins.”

       Nastik attains Kevalgyan :

       Asamat Nastik now deeply regretted his atheism and his act of
       misguiding innocent and ignorant people. While doing so, he
       acquired Jatismaran Gyan (i.e. knowledge by which you can
       recollect your previous birth) and recollected that he had taken
       upcharitra in his last birth. But while following that pure path,
       he  had  left  some  loopholes  in  faithfully  exercising  Samyak
       darshan (right faith) and as a result, he became prey to such
       Ignorance : A Curse                                           87
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