Page 100 - Courage Redifined
P. 100

7. Kamlata's Misery

       Why  was  Kamlata’s  thought  of  committing  suicide
       inappropriate ?  A  brahmin’s  wife,  Kamlata  had  become  a
       prostitute but as she hailed from a reputed family, she repented
       her misdeed with her son. So intense was her repentance that
       she considered the earth to be burdened with her sinful self.
       Hence she decided to commit suicide and end her life.

       But, we need to understand that the decision to commit suicide
       is completely inappropriate because suicide can reduce one’s
       life  span  but  cannot  reduce  one’s  sins  or  the  sinful  thought
       process that has developed in one's mind. When Dradhaprahari
       wished to shorten his life, he was advised by a wise Saint, “By
       committing suicide you will die but your sins will not die.”

       To  repent  onone’s  sins  and  sinful  mentality,  one  should
       practice  non-violence,  penance  and  strong  resistance  over

       Q. : Isn't taking Anshan*, a kind of suicide ?
       A. :  No. While taking Anshan, the intention is not to die and
            hence  it  cannot  be  termed  as  suicide. The  real  purpose
            and thought process behind Anshan is this, “I have done
            maximum  possible  penance  and  renounciation  with  the
            help of this body. Now this body has become weak and
            fragile. It will collapse anytime. To avoid its unexpected
            farewell  and  to  be  able  to  utilize  it  optimally,  let  me

       * Anshan - fasting till death

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