Page 77 - Courage Redifined
P. 77

early  morning  to  night.  Additionally,  he  would  help  them
       revise all that was taught to them and also solve their doubt
       and difficulties. Thus, he did not get spare time to entertain
       unwanted  thoughts  and  desires.  Due  to  such  tireless  efforts
       throughout the day, he got a sound sleep immediately. Thus,
       eliminating any chance of unnecessary thoughts at that time
       too. Now, how could the past Karmas show their fruits ?

       After  10  to  15  days,  the  Acharya  Bhagwant  called  that
       particular  saint  and  inquired,  “How  do  you  feel  now ?  You
       were complaining about the effect of the past negative Karmas
       leading  to  disturbance  of  mind.  What  is  the  situation  at
       present ?”

       The saint answered, “O Bhagwant! Since that time you have
       engaged  me  in  the  work  of  imparting  knowledge  to  others,
       such futile thoughts have stopped harassing me.”

       Acharya  Bhagwant  said,  “Your  mind  was  idle  without  this
       study of scriptures. Hence it was getting carried away in such
       futile thoughts. Now keep yourself occupied with this study of
       scriptures till your last breath. You will not face any problem.
       Great monks who have studied the enormous 14 Purvas also
       keep  revising  and  contemplating  upon  them.  Then,  do  we
       have any other option ? This is Jineshwar Lord’s words also
       which will keep the mind pure and happy.”

       The humble saint fell in the feet of his compassionate mentor
       and  said,  “Oh  Lord!  You  have  done  a  great  favour  on  me.
       You really saved me. You are absolutely right. My mind has
       remained pure because of being immersed in the vast ocean
       of  knowledge.  Now  I  am  relaxed  by  your  grace. You  saved
       me from falling in the dungeons of hell. I am really grateful
       to you.”

       Keep the Mind Undisturbed...                                  67
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