Page 75 - Courage Redifined
P. 75

I am really a coward and undetermined to stay back in
            this  trouble  some  world  which  leads  to  this  miserable
            state  today.  Inspite  of  bearing  sorrows  and  troubles
            here, I cannot free myself from the clutches of Karmas
            as  I  am  facing  these  sorrows  due  to  dependency  and
            compulsion. If I would have tolerated pains and sorrows
            out of choice by accepting Lord Mahavira’s ascetic life,
            I  would  have  done  abundant  Karma  Nirjara.  But  I  am
            not that fortunate. How can an undetermined person like
            me worship on the holy Giriraj ? Why is our state like
            this ? Because our mind had not become steady enough
            in Lord Adinath to enable us to consider the outer world
            and objects as futile.

       Imagine  a  person  who  has  a  beautiful  wife  of  his  choice  or
       an agent who got many business deals or a huge promotion
       in  his  job  which  resulted  in  a  considerable  increment  in  his
       salary  –  won’t  his  mind  become  steady  in  all  these  outer
       benefits ? Won’t he keep on remembering his fortune now and
       then ? Then why doesn’t our mind remain steady like this in
       worshipping Lord ? Because unnecessary thoughts do not let
       it remain stable. An idle mind does nothing but gets dragged
       away in wild, unwanted thoughts. This bad habit does not let
       one concentrate in the great ritual of worshipping Lord.

       Hence  it  is  essential  to  keep  the  mind  from  getting  idle. To
       ensure this, the mind should be kept occupied in the study of
       Scriptures. We spoke about one disadvantage of entertaining
       unwanted thoughts. Now let us look upon the second loss.

        (2) The mind loses courage and becomes undetermined :

       When  does  a  man  commit  sins  and  mistakes ?  Only  when
       he does not have the courage to remain unmoved against the
       chance to commit sins. When he loses his determination, only
       Keep the Mind Undisturbed...                                  65
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