Page 73 - Courage Redifined
P. 73

from getting diverted, then can’t we keep our mind engaged
       in studying scriptures and contemplating on its various fundas
       with  the  great  intention  of  eliminating  past  Karmas  and
       attaining  salvation ?  Can  unwanted  thoughts  enter  in  such  a
       state ? Isn’t the intention of salvation and liberation from the
       bondage  of  Karmas  greater  than  the  intention  of  earning  a
       timely livelihood ? Then how can this aim be forgotten ? Why
       doesn’t it stay in our mind at all times ?

       Do  not  calculate  in  such  a  way  that,  “Anyways  salvation
       cannot be attained this time. Also you cannot constantly keep
       on  eliminating  past  Karmas. Then  how  does  it  matter  if  the
       mind  gets  disturbed  by  unnecessary  thoughts  in  between ?
       As and when the mind gets engaged in Swadhyaya, Karmas
       are  bound  to  get  liberated.  Hence  it  is  not  a  big  deal  if  the
       mind  gets  disturbed. Who  is  great  enough  to  keep  his  mind
       concentrated at all times, 24 x 7 ?” Do not think in this manner
       because, the loss incurred due to wrong, unnecessary thoughts
       cannot be described.

       Such  thoughts  weaken  the  mind  and  it  becomes
       1)  Once  the  mind  is  habituated  with  such  thoughts,  these
          thoughts envelope the mind repeatedly.

       2)  Gradually,  the  weak  mind  which  is  enveloped  with  such
          thoughts  frequently,  will  not  be  able  to  concentrate  in
          Swadhyaya. If such thoughts keep on entering in the mind,
          then  they  are  sure  to  disturb  the  million  dollar  rituals  of
          pratikraman also. The bad habit of succumbing to wrong,
          unnecessary thoughts and looking here and there will not
          keep the mind and vision engaged in the holy and precious
          ritual  of  worshipping  Arihanta  Lord.  Then  what  will  be
          the  fruits  even  if  you  perform  these  rituals,  thousands  of
          times ?
       Keep the Mind Undisturbed...                                  63
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