Page 68 - Courage Redifined
P. 68

when required. Due to the incomparable strength attained by
       Triprustha  Vasudeva  by  way  of  penance  and  renounciation,
       he had the guts to challenge the lion by making the huge lion
       roar.  Why  did  he  call  out  to  the  lion ?  To  kill  him.  This  is
       the misuse of strength and the result of PapanubandhiPunya
       which leads to the sinful mind.
       Papanubandhi Punya is the one which leads to a sinful mental
       process while experiencing the fruits of Punya. It means that
       you are accepting Papa (sins) at the cost of Punya.

       How does Punya become Papanubandhi ?

       1)  Do not forget that you are getting all luxuries and comforts
          by  your  Punya.  Pay  the  price  of  your  Punya  and  attain
          wealth  and  other  equipment.  If  you  exercise  dishonesty,
          cheating and deceit to attain this wealth, then the Punyais
          bound  to  become  Papanubandhi.  Thus,  when  you  spend
          your Punya and perform such activities, it means that you
          bought Paap. This is one way by which Punya can become

       2)  Another  way  in  which  the  Punya  can  become  Papanu-
          bandhi is that even after earning money by rightful means,
          if you become greedy and proud about it, if you become
          possessive  and  obsessive  about  it,  then  the  Punya  is  sure
          to become Papanubandhi.

       Now the question is,
       Q. :  Can  you  change  Papanubandhi  Punya ?  Such  kind  of
            Punya  is  binded  in  such  a  way  that  it  leads  to  sinful
            mind while earning and enjoying the wealth. What can
            we do to stop it ? Can we do something ?

       A. :  This is just an excuse to continue your sinful mind and
            acts. But one thing that you should keep in mind is that it
            is not essential that this Papanubandhi nature of Punya is

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