Page 67 - Courage Redifined
P. 67

“Till  when  should  we  wait  for  him  to  come ?  Instead  show
       me the direction from where the lion comes.”

       The farmers pointed out the direction and Triprustha guided
       the chariot on that way. He reached the specific mountain and
       made a huge lion roar. Why ? To instigate and call the lion.
       Today  man  is  scared  of  even  going  in  the  direction  where
       there  is  possibility  of  a  lion  whereas Triprustha  deliberately
       called out to the lion. Imagine his strength! He had acquired
       this  strength  by  strong  penance  and  renounciation  and  not
       by  gamble  or  eating  tonics  or  various  Rasayanas.  For  this,
       it  is  essential  to  have  faith  that,  strength  and  beauty  can  be
       acquired by penance and renounciation and not by consuming
       tonics and Rasayanas.

       Today’s  polluted  atmosphere  has  disturbed  the  mind  and
       hence  it  does  not  progress  on  the  path  of  penance  and

       As  the  tiger  gets  more  prey,  he  becomes  more  aggressive.
       Similarly, in today’s materialistic world, as the equipment and
       comforts  increase,  man  becomes  all  the  more  desperate  for
       more. Penance and renounciation does not come to him even
       in his dreams.

       The  strength  of  generosity,  affection  and  serenity  can  be
       acquired  due  to  renounciation.  Without  penance,  it  is  im-
       possible to get rid of narrow-mindedness and laziness. Without
       the  habit  of  penance,  the  mind  becomes  lazy,  narrow  and
       weak in the matter of food also. A little change or shortcoming
       in food – one’s expression, mood and speech changes! Since
       strength  is  not  attained  by  way  of  penance,  it  is  difficult  to
       stay generous, royal and courageous.

       Penance  and  renounciation  lead  to  emergence  of  an  inner
       strength which can make you generous, royal and courageous

       Keep the Mind Undisturbed...                                  57
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