Page 66 - Courage Redifined
P. 66

Thus Punya which eventually results in Papa (sins) is called

       Saint Vishwabhuti went to the seventh heaven because of the
       Punya  accumulated  due  to  his  penance  and  renounciation.
       After  that,  due  to  the  impact  of  his  Niyanu,  he  became  the
       strong and powerful Triprustha Vasudeva. But since his Punya
       was  Papanubandhi,  he  fell  in  the  deep  well  of  ignorance,
       enjoyed comforts without any control and due to the pride of
       his power, punished his subjects for little crimes.

       Triprushtha Vasudev’s life incidents :

       When  Triprushtha  had  not  become  the  Vasudev  (King  of  3
       continents) and his father Prajapati was the king, a messenger
       came from the greater king Vasudeva saying, “On the border
       of  this  specific  region,  a  lion  comes  out  in  the  season  of
       monsoon due to which the farmers get scared. Hence the kings
       of  various  regions  guard  the  border  turn  by  turn.  It  is  your
       turn this time. Hence you should go there for protection.”

       Sitting in the king’s court, Triprushtha heard this and lost his
       temper, “Who is he to order me ?” He insulted the messenger
       but his father got scared that, “If the messenger went and told
       the king, then they would be in a fix,” Hence, he accepted the
       king’s  orders.  But Triprushtha Vasudeva  was  no  less. When
       the messenger left, he followed him and beat him on the way.

       When you develop any vice (bad quality) during one birth, it
       is sure to grow and increase in the coming births.

       When Triprustha saw his father, King Prajapati preparing to
       go  to  protect  the  farmers  from  the  lion,  he  said,  “Wait,  you
       do not need to go along with the army. We both brothers are
       enough to finish the work.” Saying so, he reached the village
       border. He asked the soldiers, “When does the lion come ?”

       The farmers answered, “It cannot be said.”

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