Page 62 - Courage Redifined
P. 62

throne.  This  fall  injured  him  deeply  and  spitting  blood,  he
       reached the dungeons of hell.

       “How  to  displease  my  Guru  Mata ?”  this  thought  weakened
       his mind and he ended up speaking lies. He must have died
       in  a  state  of  Raudra  Dhyana*  (he  went  directly  to  hell  and
       so we can deduce that)
       Isn't  this  mental  disturbance  terrible  which  leads  to  such
       terrible consequences ?

       Mental stress can lead to Raudra Dhyana :

       Q. :  “The  celestial  god  came  to  punish  him  but  today  no
            celestial  beings  come  down  on  this  earth  and  hence
            we  will  not  get  punished  for  such  mistakes  like
       A. :  It is a fact that celestial beings do not come to give such
            instant punishments like death but what about the Raudra
            dhyana caused due to such false words ? Don't you know
            that this dishonesty can also lead you to hell ? Do you
            realize that little greed for money or the desire to create
            a  good  image  of  yourself  can  make  the  mind  so  weak
            and lead to such dreadful consequences ?

       Sinhgufavasi  Muni  who  did  upvas  and  stayed  right  at  the
       mouth of a lion's cave for 4 months incomplete meditation got
       disturbed on hearing Sthoolibhadraji being praised more than
       him. His negative thought process continued, “Is my penance
       less  valuable ? A  person  who  stayed  at  a  prostitute’s  house
       and  enjoyed  lavish  food  and  comforts  is  appreciated  more
       than  me.  Isn't  this  partiality ?”  In  spite  of  having  a  strong
       mind  for  penance,  this  little  appreciation  of  other’s  virtues
       disturbed  his  mind  and  now  look  at  the  series  of  mistakes
       he committed.

      * Raudra dhyana -   A continuous wicked and negative thought process

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