Page 65 - Courage Redifined
P. 65

Why  should  the  eternal  soul  not  get  hurt  due  to  temporary
       objects, appreciation or criticism ?

       Mental  disturbance  and  sorrow  in  little  things  can  lead  to
       terrible results. In this context we can quote Konik’s example
       also.  Konik  thought,  “Not  my  queen,  but  Halla’s  queen
       attained the celestial necklace and ear- ornaments ?” His mind
       got  upset  and  look  where  he  reached  -  He  fought  with  his
       grandfather, King Cheda who had given refuge to Halla and
       Vihalla for 12 years. When he was not successful in attaining
       the  capital  city  of Vaishali,  he  lured  Kulvalak  Saint  by  way
       of a prostitute and ignited him to break the great stupa (pillar
       like monument) of Lord Munisurvata Swami and eventually
       destroyed the entire city of Vaishali.

       What dreadful results of mental disturbance!

       As  we  saw  earlier.  Saint Vishwabhuti  could  not  tolerate  the
       mockery done by his cousin brother and as a result his mind
       got  disturbed.  Leaving  aside  the  desire  salvation,  he  did  a
       Niyanu  of  acquiring  massive  strength  as  a  fruit  of  his  great
       penance and renounciation. Intense desire for material things
       converts the Punya accumulated due to religious activities to
       be papanubandhi.

       What is Papanubandhi Punya ?
       It  means  that  when  this  Punya*  comes  into  effect,  one  will
       attain  luxuries  and  comforts  but  since  its  attraction  had  led
       to this Niyanu, the attraction towards these worldly comforts
       will  also  be  present. This  will  spoil  one’s  mind  and  lead  to
       vices like desires, anger, greed, deceit and pride. Once these
       vices enter one’s life, he will sink in the ocean of sins because
       the  combination  of  wealth,  power  and  pride  is  dreadful  and
       can make one forget the difference between right and wrong.

       * Punya - Fortune acquired due to good acts performed in the past
       Keep the Mind Undisturbed...                                  55
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