Page 70 - Courage Redifined
P. 70

of  his  body  and  the  place  where  he  had  to  change  his  side
       to prevent any small creature from getting harmed or killed.
       After doing so, he changed sides.

       The murderers changed mind :
       The  murderers  were  astonished,  “Oh,  this  saint  is  careful
       to  not  harm  the  tiniest  creature  even  in  his  sleep.  Such  a
       compassionate  saint  cannot  have  feelings  of  envy  or  hatred
       for anyone. He cannot think bad about anyone or even think
       of  harming  anyone. Then  how  can  he  think  badly  about  his
       opponent who has hired us to kill him ? His opponent is really
       a  fool  to  hire  us  for  this  work.  But  why  should  we  behave
       like fools ? Should we actually kill this compassionate saint
       and enjoy the money earned by performing this dreadful act ?
       No, we should not kill his great saint.”
       What happened to the murderers ? The sight of the saint’s pure
       ascetic conduct acted as a factor in changing the murderer’s
       sinful  mind.  If  you  cannot  be  altered  at  any  cost,  then  such
       prime  factors  also  cannot  do  anything.  But  it  is  a  proven
       fact  that  such  factors  are  instrumental  in  suppressing  and
       gradually  decreasing  the  intensity  of  the  sinful  mind. Also,
       many  sinful  people  in  the  past  have  experienced  a  turnover
       which  depicts  that  Anikachit  Papanubandhi  Punya  can  be
       avoided  and  changed. A  sinful  mind  can  be  changed  into  a
       religious mind.
       2) Appropriate efforts can change a sinful mind :

       Just  as  a  sinful  mind  can  be  changed  due  to  some  factors,
       it can be altered due to appropriate efforts too. Even though
       the  mind  is  enveloped  in  sinful  thoughts,  if  one  constantly
       keeps in touch with saints, listens to their religious sermons,
       reads good spiritual books, then he can avoid sinful negative
       thoughts for that particular time span. Also, instead of roaming
       here and there, if you engage yourself in good activities like

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