Page 72 - Courage Redifined
P. 72

his co-saint. He said, “O Brother! It is better you talk to the
       Acharya Bhagwant. He will show you the right solution.”

       The saint confided in the Acharya Bhagwant and he casually
       replied, “O, It isn’t a great problem. It will be solved in a jiffy.
       I will give you an effective solution. Look, you have deeply
       studied  our  scriptures  and  some  monks  here  are  in  need  of
       knowledge. Hence, you start imparting scriptural knowledge
       to them in the form of religious sermons.”

       Why  did  the  AcharyaBhagwant  give  such  a  suggestion ?
       Because  he  saw  that  the  disturbed  saint  was  knowledgeable
       but  was  in  such  a  troubled  state  due  to  the  lack  of  the
       revision  of  scriptures. As  a  result,  his  mind  was  enveloped
       with  thoughts  of  lust  and  sensual  desires.  If  he  would  get
       engaged  in  imparting  knowledge  to  others,  then  his  mind
       would be constantly occupied in those thoughts which would
       automatically  eliminate  all  unwanted  desires  and  negative

       How will a mind engaged in scriptural fundas and principles
       be free for nonsense thoughts ?

       If the mind is engaged in nonsense thoughts it depicts that it
       does  not  have  enough  food  for  contemplation  about  various
       elements stated in our scriptures.

       If  you  are  supposed  to  count  Rs.  10,000,  will  the  mind
       be  diverted  in  other  thoughts ?  No.  Because  the  mind  is
       concentrating  on  counting  every  single  rupee. Ask  a  person
       who  is  occupied  in  the  work  of  passing  little  pearls  in  a
       thread, “Does your mind get diverted elsewhere while doing
       this  work ?”  He  will  definitely  refuse  because  if  he  did  his
       work in bits and pieces while concentrating somewhere else,
       he would not finish his work on time and would not earn his
       livelihood. If the mere thought of livelihood can stop the mind

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