Page 58 - Courage Redifined
P. 58

married life. Then why should I get disturbed ? Why should I
       spoil my mind ? My husband is nothing less than 24kt gold.
       Why  should  I  worry  about  other  things ?” Thus,  because  of
       the  overflowing  love  and  respect  for  Rama,  Sita’s  mind  did
       not get upset at all. We have to apply the same thing in our

       The key to stop the mind from getting disturbed :
       If  we  have  overflowing  love  and  respect  for  Almighty
       Arihanta Lords, our Gurus, the great Jain religion, the Navkar
       Mantra,  holy  pilgrimage  places,  etc.  then  our  mind  will  not
       get disturbed by worldly losses of material objects.

       We should feel that, “O, a virtueless person like me acquired
       the great, supreme Almighty Vitaraga Arihanta Lords! Can I get
       such a precious thing ? No one is as fortunate as me. Similarly,
       I have got a Guru who has showered abundant favors on me.
       He showed me that the path of the great Jain religion can save
       me from the clutches of sins done in infinite past births. The
       great  Jain  religion  has  obliged  me  in  numerous  ways. Also,
       the  different  rituals  of  Pooja,  Navkar  Mantra,  meditation,
       compassion, charity, penance and various vows that I perform
       are so precious and marvelous. When I have attained such a
       great treasure in the form of God, Guru religion, rituals and
       virtues, then why should my mind get disturbed when any of
       my temporary material comforts or social status get spoiled ?
       Isn't  it  foolish  that  you  have  a  treasure  of  millions  and  you
       cry over the loss of 4 pieces of glass ?”

       Lord  Rishabhdeva  was  a  Chakravarti  in  his  third  birth  and
       he  renounced  all  this  empire  of  6  continents  like  a  piece  of
       grass and accepted Charitra (the path of renunciation). What
       would  have  been  the  value  of  Charitra  in  his  eyes ?  During
       this Charitra life, amidst various difficulties and troubles when
       there  was  a  chance  of  mental  disturbance,  he  would  think,

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