Page 37 - Courage Redifined
P. 37

on  all  days.  The  great  ascetics  (Sadhus  and  Sadhvis)  who
       have  renounced  the  material  world  come  in  this  category.
       Appropriate respect should be shown to them in the following
       manner. First, one should bow down to them, then ask about
       their well-being and then request them to accept offerings of
       food, clothes, place to stay, etc. Then one should try to fulfill
       their requirements in the best and fastest possible way. This
       is how one should worship these great ascetics. Giving them
       appropriate respect in this manner is a form of humanity.

       Sadhu means a gentleman who has come from near and far.
       On  meeting  them,  you  should  first  greet  them  warmly  by
       saying, “Welcome. Where have you come from ? Please accept
       water  and  light  food.  Can  I  be  of  any  other  help  to  you ?”
       Serving  them  water  and  snacks  is  the  appropriate  treatment
       to be meted out to Sadhus*. Sadharmik* Bhakti also comes
       under this category.

       Advantages of Sadharmik Bhakti :

       How enthusiastic are you to greet others ?

       That  old  Rajasthani  man  warmly  greeted  and  served  those
       learned  men.  Why  did  he  waste  his  hard-earned  money  in
       feeding strangers ? Because he very well understood that,
       1)  Since innumerable births, we have fed only ourselves and
          our family which is an animal’s characteristic. Welcoming
          and  feeding  Atithis  and  Sadhus  warmly  is  a  human’s

       2)  One  becomes  narrow-minded  in  just  filling  one’s  own
          stomach.  On  the  other  hand,  one  becomes  broad-minded
          and  generous  by  taking  care  of  Atithis,  Sadhus  and
          Sadharmikas. What should you aim to acquire in this life ?

      * Sadhu - Jain monks
      * Sadharmik – A person who follows the same religion as you.
       Greed - The Root of all Evil                                  27
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