Page 34 - Courage Redifined
P. 34

fall  on  deaf  ears.  How  can  they  show  their  desired  result
       and change our hearts ? Hence, we need to realize that if we
       want  to  follow  our  Lord’s  teachings,  change  our  hearts  and
       implement them in our life, then we should devote ourselves
       in the service of Jinshasan* and eventually strive to cut down
       our  enslavement  by  beauty,  touch  and  taste.  We  should  be
       alert  at  all  times  that,  “My  sight  should  not  get  attracted
       to  look  at  inappropriate  or  unnecessary  things.  I  should  not
       glance here and there without reason. I should not stare at any
       other woman’s body. My vision should not rest on someone’s
       wealth and property or else it will spoil my mind.”

       Why shouldn’t we look at other’s wealth and assets ?

       If  you  look  at  someone’s  brand  new  BMW  or  a  huge
       bungalow,  what  thoughts  will  cross  your  mind ?  Either  you
       will become a victim of jealousy or you will be consumed by
       unnecessary delight. You may think, “How lucky he is and how
       unfortunate am I! ” That means you will consider a luxurious
       car, bungalow, etc. to be the ultimate source of happiness. You
       will not think that, “Arre! This great instrument is destroying
       my spiritual welfare. These are only elements which nourish
       the soul’s diseases of ego, pride and attachment.” How many
       people  will  think  on  these  lines ?  Probably  5  out  of  100.
       Majority of the people today have drowned in the huge ocean
       of material pleasures. Before Kumarpal become the king, he
       was  running  to  escape  from  the  clutches  of  Siddharaj.  He
       witnessed a peculiar event at one place. On the bank of a river,
       in  a  small  temple,  the  idol  that  was  worshipped  was  only  a
       head without the remaining body. Hence, he asked someone,
       “Why  is  only  this  head  worshipped  in  this  temple ?”  The
       person told him a small story to clear his doubt.

       * Jinshasan -  The  Jain  religious  order  established  by  the  Almighty
                    Tirthankara Lords.
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