Page 31 - Courage Redifined
P. 31

6) Appreciate great men in the history of Jainism
       7) Condemn our own sins and repent over our wrong acts.

       All these things are not possible after our death.

       Q :  Can't we wish to die due to the enormity of our sins and
           not due to our trouble and sorrows ?

       A :  Oh no! Even if you have committed some grave mistake
           you should not wish to die because if you are living, you
           can  confess  your  sins  in  front  of  your  Guru  and  repent
           over  them. After death, it is not possible to repent over
           your sins and thus, erase them. This implies that the sins
           will come along with you in your next births.

       Thus, consider this human life to be a great asset and use it
       optimally by thinking good about others.

       The  Brahmin  died  due  to  the  snake  bite,  Kamlata  realized
       that her husband was not sleeping but had died and that she
       had  lost  both  ways.  Neither  the  king,  nor  her  husband  was

       She  panicked  and  thought,  “I  should  leave  this  place
       immediately. In case the king’s soldiers catch me, my death
       is certain. I should flee from here.”
       Thinking  about  where  to  go,  she  realized  that  there  was  a
       chance of being caught on the highway and hence, she rode on
       the king’s horse and escaped through the forest. She travelled
       the whole night, crossed the forest and reached the outskirts
       of a city by morning. A prostitute saw her and asked, “Who
       are you ? Why are you alone ?”

       She made up a fake story. “I was with my husband and we lost
       our way in the dense forest. Wild animals attacked my husband
       and  made  him  their  prey.  I  am  now  a  widow.  My  fortune
       is  now  destroyed.”  Saying  this,  she  started  weeping  loudly.
       The Brahmin Dies...                                           21
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