Page 25 - Courage Redifined
P. 25

Sudarshan  Chakra  stood  in  Lakshmana's  service  instead
           of  cutting  his  head,  Lakshmana  warned  him,  “Look
           Ravana! Your  Chakra  is  now  in  my  hands.  So  you  can
           understand very well that if I leave this Chakra on you,
           it will surely kill you. This is my last and final warning
           to you. Free Sita, hand her over to us and live a peaceful
           life. We will forgive your great mistake.”

       Betrayal of trust did not reflect in Lakshmana's word. Infact,
       Lakshmana exhibited extraordinary generosity by showing the
       readiness  to forgive  him.  But Ravana did not agree. Instead
       he answered, “O Forest roamers! You will not get Sita back
       so  easily.  Do  what  you  wish.”  On  these  words,  Lakshmana
       was  compelled  to  throw  his  Chakra  which  ended  up  killing

       But  here,  Kamlata  took  the  King  in  confidence  by  her  fake
       show  of  love  and  affection  and  then  silently  beheaded  him.
       Such a terrible betrayal! Great women of the past have cheated
       others to protect their character but not so cruelly. Mahasati
       Surasundari was abandoned in a dense forest by her husband
       Amar  Kumar.  Going  forward  she  fell  in  a  King’s  trap  who
       wished  to  make  her  the  Queen.  She  requested  for  a  time
       span of 4 days during which she took the other queens in her
       confidence. According to their guidance, she escaped into the
       forest using a secret tunnel and thus betrayed the King. But
       this  betrayal  did  not  lead  to  loss  of  life  or  any  other  major

       Similarly, Narmada Sundari was also left alone in the forest.
       Eventually, she fell in the trap of a prostitute. The prostitute
       sent  her  to  dance  in  front  of  the  King.  On  her  way,  she
       purposely  fell  in  a  puddle  of  mud  and  started  pretending  as
       if  she  had  gone  mad.  She  started  screaming,  “How  does  it
       matter  if  he  is  the  King ?  How  does  it  matter  if  he  is  the
       Kamlata's Wicked Plan                                         15
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