Page 20 - Courage Redifined
P. 20

principles and beliefs keep changing. There is nothing like
          a universal and ultimate truth.

       2)  Professor  Einstein  invented  new  Mathematics  and  the
          Theory of Relativity which was not in sync with the Law
          of Gravity and other such laws.
       3)  Even  today,  some  American  Scholars  believe  and  have
          proved  with  logic  and  examples  that  the  earth  is  not
          spherical like a ball and does not revolve around the sun.

       4)  Today's  science  tells  us  that  the  moon  does  not  have  its
          own light; it receives light from the sun and reflects it on
          the  earth.  This  proves  that  the  moon’s  surface  should  be
          some shiny mirror, glass or gem like substance. Only then
          can  it  reflect  the  sun's  light  that  falls  on  it.  If  it  is  some
          non-shining or non-reflecting surface made of normal stone
          or mud, then the rays of light cannot reflect from it. Even
          though  the  rays  of  the  noon  sun  in  the  summer  are  very
          strong, they do not get reflected when they fall on the tiles
          of our house. The house gets lightened but the rays of light
          are not emitted. Similarly, if the moon's surface is not made
          of some shiny or reflective substance but is made of just
          stone or mud, then the rays of light cannot reflect from it
          and envelope the earth with light. Today's science claims
          that  man  has  reached  the  moon  and  they  have  brought  a
          mud like substance from its surface.
          This  proves  that  today's  man  has  not  reached  the  real
          moon.  The  shining  moon  that  we  see  and  receive  light
          from  and  the  moon  that  we  have  found  and  reached  are
          absolutely different.

       5)  ‘The moon does not possess its independent light but shines
          because of the sun's light.’ This belief is also wrong because
          the moonlight on the fourth or fifth bright day of the month
          and the moonlight on a full moon day cover equal area on

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