Page 24 - Courage Redifined
P. 24

the  King  readily  agreed  to  this  demand  also.  He  did  not
       even  have  a  second  thought  about  his  own  security  or  the
       possibility of some soldiers waiting outside the temple while
       the two of them performed the pooja. He had absolutely no
       doubt or questions in his mind.

       Blind love and blind trust is dreadful because it overlooks the
       possibility of any upcoming calamity. On the fateful night of
       Kali  Chaudas,  both  of  them  reached  the  Goddess’s  temple.
       The queen pretended to devotedly bow in front of the Goddess
       and performed the Pooja with great respect and gratitude. She
       spoke  aloud,  “O  Goddess!  O  Mother!  My  beloved  husband
       got rid of his illness by your grace. I am so grateful to you.”
       She  then  told  the  King,  “Even  you  thank  the  Goddess  Kali
       by falling in her feet.”

       The  King  who  was  blinded  by  lust  had  no  idea  about
       Kamlata’s wicked play. Obeying his so called beloved wife,
       he  fell  in  Goddess  Kali’s  feet  and  bowed  his  head  to  thank
       her.  In  no  time,  the  wicked  Kamlata  picked  up  the  King’s
       sword lying beside him and struck a heavy blow on his neck.
       A sharp sword and a heavy blow! The neck was bound to get
       severed. The head lay on one side and the body on the other.
       Such a betray of trust! Such a cruel act!

       Protection of One’s character :
       Q : Wasn't this act appropriate for saving one’s character ?

       A :  She  had  already  sacrificed  her  purity.  But  now  just  to
           escape  from  the  King’s  clutches,  it  wasn't  appropriate
           to  cheat  and  kill  him  in  such  a  cruel  way.  Ram  and
           Lakshmana  had  declared  war  against  Ravana  to  rescue
           Sita and Ravana was killed in the war but he was already
           given a prior warning, “Hand over Sita or else be prepared
           to lose your life.” Right till the end, even when Ravana
           threw  his  Sudarshana  Chakra  on  Lakshmana  and  the

       14                                                Courage Redefined
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