Page 23 - Courage Redifined
P. 23

Kamlata Brahmani had become a queen, had lost her courage
       in  protecting  her  character  and  purity  and  had  got  carried
       away in royal luxuries and comforts.

       There  is  an  ancient  saying,  “Ekda  Bhrashtasya  Shatasho
       Vinipat,”  which  means  that  the  one  who  gets  tempted  and
       loses courage once will do the same hundreds of times.
       Similarly Kamlata was tempted to do wrong once again. She
       explained to her husband in code language to meet her in the
       Goddess’s Temple in the jungle on the night of Kali Chaudas.
       She  told  him  that  she  would  come  there  accompanied  with
       the King and find a chance to kill the King so that she can
       flee away with him.

       She compromised her character and lost her purity once and
       now she fell to such an extent that she was ready to kill the
       King.  Even  her  religious Brahmin husband forgot  his Vedas
       and became ready to kill the King in the greed of getting his
       wife back. Isn’t it his duty to free his wife ? Yes, but not by
       cheating and killing the King.

       Kamlata’s Ploy :
       As Kali Chaudas approached, Kamlata told the King, “When
       you were down with fever and severe headache last week, I
       had prayed at Goddess Kali’s temple that if you will recover
       from  your  illness,  both  of  us  would  go  together  to  pray  at
       her  temple  on  the  night  of  Kali  Chaudas.  Because  of  my
       prayer  and  oath,  you  are  now  fit  and  fine.  Tonight  both  of
       us have to go together at her temple located outside the city
       and perform her Pooja.”

       The King was crazy about her and told her, “How considerate
       and affectionate you are! We will definitely go and perform
       the  Pooja  together.”  The  Brahmin’s  wife  replied  “No  third
       person should come along with us.” Having blind faith in her,
       Kamlata's Wicked Plan                                         13
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