Page 14 - Courage Redifined
P. 14

The needs of the body and senses are insatiable. How much
          ever food and pleasures you give it, it’s hunger will never
          die. The more you give, the more it demands. Isn't this the
          soul’s trouble ?

       Before  succumbing  to  temptations,  Kamlata  could  have
       thought, “The King has become blind in lust and has forgotten
       the noble virtues of a human. He has become like a donkey
       who  has  his  eyes  only  on  skin  and  flesh.  But  why  should  I
       become blind ? Why force such misdeeds on this noble body ?
       The  body  and  senses  are  like  a  tigress  which  goes  wild  on
       licking blood.

       If a human had to get roasted in the dreadful hunger of the
       body  and  senses,  then  wasn't  he  better  off  in  the  births  of
       donkeys and pigs ? Why waste such a precious birth for such
       heinous acts ?
       Inspite  of  the  King’s  tempting  offers,  my  character  should
       remain pure. I do not want to become a slave of my senses and
       be troubled. If I remain courageous and determined to suppress
       my temptations, then I will have no trouble or sorrow. On the
       contrary, I will experience immense happiness experienced by
       the Mahasatis of the past. Compared to that happiness, sensual
       pleasures do not give even 10% of happiness.

       The insatiable desire for sensual pleasure is the soul’s greatest
       sorrow. Day and night without any limitations, the body and
       mind  will  keep  on  demanding  these  material  pleasures  and
       the soul will eventually become its slave. All the virtuous and
       benevolent acts will be lost. This increasing desire for sensual
       pleasures  is  the  greatest  sorrow,  greatest  misdeed  and  a  big
       trouble. I do not want this.

       In this precious birth when I can distinguish between the right
       and wrong with the help of the inner eye, should I close this
       eye  and  become  blind ?  In  the  births  of  animals,  I  did  not

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