Page 2 - Jain Jyotirdhar Chitra Darshan
P. 2


                                                                                         (1) After the death of Noble Shalibhadra’s father, he became
                                                                                         a heavenly deity and started sending 99 boxes of heavenly
                                                                                         food, clothes  and  ornaments  daily  to  Shalibhadra.  Despite
                                                                                         such   affluence,  when Shalibhadra heard   once from   his
                                                                                         mother  that “King Shrenik is our master”; he developed  the
                                                                                         sense of  detachment   and he  decided   to  renounce   the
                                                                                         world. Every day, he started  leaving his wives  one after the
                                                                                         other. (2)  Shalibhadra’s sister  Subhadra  was the  wife  of
                                                                                         Dhannaji.  While she was  bathing her  husband, out  of  love
                                                                                         for brother  Shalibhadra, she started crying. Dhannaji asked
                                                                                         reason  for crying, she   told him   about    Shalibhadra’s
                                                                                         abandoning his wife one after the other. Dhannaji remarked
                                                                                         “What  a coward!!” If  he  wants  to  renounce  the  world, then
                                                                                         why not  leave all the  wives at one go?” Subhadra  replied,
                                                                                         “It’s  easier too  said than  done. ”Dhannaji  immediately  left
                                                                                         the  house  and went  to  call  Shalibhadra. (3) Dhannaji told
                                                                                         Shalibhadra   “If  you  want to  renounce  then both  of  us
                                                                                         renounce  the world today   itself”. (4) Both  went  to  God
                                                                                         Mahavir  and  be-came   Monks and     thereafter  underwent
                                                                                         rigorous  penance.  (5)  When   Shalibhadra was going for
                                                                                         alms-Bhiksha, Lord  Mahavir  told  him  that  today  he  would
                                                                                         receive Bhiksha  from  his  mother. When  he   reached the
                                                                                         palace none could recognize him  because of his frail body.
                                                                                         While returning empty   handed, he happened     to  meet  a
                                                                                         milkmaid who   was his mother   in his previous birth.  Out  of
                                                                                         motherly love, she offered him curd. (6) He fasted on Mount
                                                                                         Vaibhavgiri till  death  and left   for   heavenly   abode
                                                                                         (Anuttarviman). Hearing  this, his mother moaned and cried
                                                                                         for him.  King Shrenik consoled and  calmed  her down and
                                                                                         saluted her for  being a mother  of  a  great monk.  Bravo  to
                                                                                         renouncing of all  the riches by Shalibhadra!!!
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