Page 3 - Jain Jyotirdhar Chitra Darshan
P. 3

                                                                                                       (Renunciation and Penance)

                                                                                         (1)  Dhanyakumar,  the  son  of  Bhadra  due  to his good
                                                                                        deeds in his past life, was born in Kakandi and was owner
                                                                                        of 320 million Gold pallets. With the  blessing of  mother, he
                                                                                        was leading  a luxurious life  happily  with  his 32  wives.  (2)
                                                                                        One   day  after listening to  the  sermons  of  God Mahavir,
                                                                                        Dhannaji  decided to renounce world and became a monk.
                                                                                        Thereafter  he   started  fasting until death.  (Two  fasts
                                                                                        followed by Ayambil followed by fasts for two days.) What a
                                                                                        fortune! Though  he  enjoyed luxurious life  but he had  no
                                                                                        attachment in such riches and he had no trouble in leaving
                                                                                        behind such riches & worldly  pleasures and his 32 wives at
                                                                                        one stroke. He also gave up attachment for his body rather
                                                                                        easily.  (3)  Even on the  3rd day  of  the  week, when he ate,
                                                                                        he ate    undernourished, unpalatable and   tasteless food
                                                                                        (even flies would not  like to  sit on  that  food.) (4) Within  8
                                                                                        months, Dhanna’s body      was dried up    by  fasting. (5)
                                                                                        Replying   to  King   Shrenik,  God    Mahavir   told  that
                                                                                        Dhanyakumar was one of the great in 14,000  monks who
                                                                                        is always  progressing on the spiritual    path. The King
                                                                                        immediately   went  to  the Hill  to  pay  his  respects  to
                                                                                        Dhannaji. The  real wealth  of  the  soul  is renunciation and
                                                                                        penance and before   whom   even   the  Kings  and heavenly
                                                                                        Deities bow their head.  Dhannaji fasted for a month on the
                                                                                        mount      Vaibhavgiri   and   left  for  heavenly  abode
                                                                                        (Anuttarviman). Bravo to Dhannaji and immense praises to
                                                                                        his severe  penance  and  detachment  towards the material
                                                                                        world !!!
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