Page 7 - Jain Jyotirdhar Chitra Darshan
P. 7

                                                                                                          (Right Faith - Samyaktva)

                                                                                       Emperor  Sanat, in  previous  birth,  was  a  staunch Jain  having
                                                                                       Right Faith.Once a saint (of false  faith) got angry on Sanat, as
                                                                                       he did  not respect  him.  The  saint with  his  devotee’s  (a  king)
                                                                                       help  got very hot food served on Sanat Kumar’s back  and ate.
                                                                                       Sanat Kumar had to suffer a lot and his  back was full of boils.
                                                                                       (1) After this  he  decided  to  renounce  this materialistic world
                                                                                       and his  mortal  body  and meditated  in  every  direction for 15
                                                                                       days each. Carnivorous birds kept  eating flesh  from  his back,
                                                                                       yet  he  did not break his meditation. (2) With       absolute
                                                                                       equanimity his soul left his body and he became  the heavenly
                                                                                       King  of  Deities,  Indra.  (3)  Later  he  was  reborn  as  a very
                                                                                       handsome   Chakravarti  (a  great emperor of  the  whole world),
                                                                                       named  Sanat Kumar.Two Deities in the disguise of  Brahmins
                                                                                       came to see the handsomeness of  Sanat and were spellbound
                                                                                       seeing his beauty  while he was bathing. Hearing praise for him,
                                                                                       Sanat became proud of his beauty and asked the Deities to see
                                                                                       him in his grandeur, beauty and  glory at his courtyard when he
                                                                                       enthroned. (4)  The Brahmins came and all they could see was
                                                                                       a Sanat’s body  infected  with  16  types  of  diseases,  and  they
                                                                                       frowned with  disgust. On asking the  reason, the Deities  said
                                                                                       “Don’t  be  so proud  you  ugly  and diseased man!!”  Immediately
                                                                                       Sanat   spat  in the  spittoon  and  realized that  diseases had
                                                                                       infected  him.  (5) He immediately  renounced the   world and
                                                                                       became   a monk. But for    6  months    repeatedly  his family
                                                                                       followed and requested   him  to  return,  but Monk Sanat did not
                                                                                       even look at  them. (6) He did severe  penance   for 700  years
                                                                                       with  his diseased body, which got completely     cured  in his
                                                                                       organic matter turning into  anti- disease. The same    Deities
                                                                                       came  in disguised as  doctors  to  cure  him.  Great Monk  Sanat
                                                                                       with his  own spit cured his diseased finger and showed  them
                                                                                       his lustrous finger. These Deities were  amazed at this sight and
                                                                                       the  powers  of  penance.  They  bowed down in respect. Monk
                                                                                       Sanat said “Diseases are sin killers and hence our friends  so,
                                                                                       why  stop  it?”He  fostered  Monkshood  for  100,000 years  and
                                                                                       accomplished welfare of soul. Bravo to his firmness!!
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