Page 2 - Radium Story
P. 2


           A  GOLDEN  ERA

               The 19th century had entered its Þ nal decade         Ashadhi Beej – Even the day on which Jawahar
           marking  the  onset  of  the  20th  century.  The  year   took  his  Þ rst  breath  on  this  earth  too  symbolises
           was  1992,  according  to  Vikram  samvat  (V.S.).   his  great  nature.

               Exactly  8  decades  from  today,  on  the  day  of   Jawahar!  He  is  like  the  generous  ‘Ashadhi
           Vad Beej of the Hindu month of Ashadha, the holy     Megha’  (Monsoon  Clouds)  which  showers  bene-
           land of Anahilpur Patan (North Gujarat) was witness   volence  and  compassion  equally  everywhere,  all
           to  a  remarkable  event.                            the  Ɵ me  without  any  discriminaƟ on.

               The sky was dark but Mother Kantaben’s womb           Jawahar!  He  is  a  beej  (seed)  which  stays
           and  Father  Mafatbhai’s  clan  was  lightened  by  an   underground, aloof and isolated but giŌ s the world
           excepƟ onal aura. Unlike the borrowed and ß ickering   ripe and sweet fruits for decades and centuries from
           light of a candle, his aura was like that of a precious   the  vast  tree  that  has  grown  from  it.
           gem-natural  and  everlasƟ ng.  That’s  why  this  aura   Call  it  showering  of  the  monsoon  clouds
           was  christened  as  ‘Jawahar’.                      (Ashadhi) from the sky or the evoluƟ on of the seed
               From  a  mischievous  ‘Jawahar’  to  matured     (beej) from the soil; it was the emergence of such
           ‘Jayghosh’...                                        an  excepƟ onal  aura,  that  received  the  astounding
               From  an  untrained  ‘Muni’  to  an  exemplary   accolade of ‘Siddhant Diwakar’ in its middle period.
           learned  ‘Acharya’...                                  He  is  a  sun,  on  its  inÞ nite  journey  of  salvaƟ on,
               From a devoted disciple to the successful leader   directed  by  the  ever-glowing  light  of  knowledge.
           of  a  huge  Samudaya                                          He  is  a  sun  that  will  never  set,

               From  the  wellbeing  of  his  disciples  to  the       An  aura  the  world  will  never  forget,
           welfare  of  the  enƟ re  Sangha  and  Shasana...      The  shower  of  blessings  by  which  everyone  will

               This  aura  spread  far  and  wide...                              surely  get  wet,
               In the glorious history of Jinshasana, the birth      Travel  all  over  the  world  –  north,  south,
           of  Jawahar  was  not  a  mere  golden  page  but  was                  east  or  west,
           equivalent to the origin of an enƟ re golden scripture.   But  you  will  never  meet  any  one  like  him,  I  bet !
           Every  line,  every  word  of  his  life  scripture  is  sure
                                                                    A  cut  above  the  rest,  he  is  UNDOUBTEDLY
           to  arise  wonder  and  awe,  joy  and  dedicaƟ on.
                                                                                   THE  BEST !!

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