Page 6 - Radium Story
P. 6


           STUDY  PHASE

               Tender age... Tough Lifestyle... The scorching heat   In  the  Month  of  Ashwina,  Dada  Gurudev
           of April combined with the vigorous barefoot journey   started teaching Karmagrantha to 8 selected saints –
           from  Mumbai  to  Palitana  (700  Kms).  But  it  seemed   Muni  Rajendravijay,  Muni  Dharmaguptvijay,  Muni
           that  young  Muni  Jayghoshvijayji  wished  to  embrace   Bhadraguptavijay Muni Hemchandravijay etc.. Among
           these  moments  of  heat  and  hardships  readily  with   all of them, senior Bal Muni Jayghoshvijayji was made
           joy  and  composure.                                 to sit in the lectures as an ‘extra’ at no. 9. The Dada
               Seeing  him  follow  the  strict  code  of  Sanyam   Gurudev might have thought that Bal Muni will listen
           conduct easily and eĸ  ciently right from the beginning,   and  understand  atleast  something.  Gurudev  must
           it seemed that he must have pracƟ sed and mastered   have  applied  the  formula    “Something  is  beƩ er  than
           it  in  the  previous  birth.  But  Swadhaya  i.e.  study  did   nothing”.  Do  you  think  Dada  Gurudev’s  judgement
           not go well with him. He enjoyed serving fellow saints   and  decision  will  ever  fail ?
           but  reading  and  learning  scriptures  did  not  seem  to   Karmagrantha concepts caught Bal Muni’s interest.
           be  his  cup  of  tea…..Likewise,  3  long  years  passed...  Every  night  he  sincerely  revised  everything  in  the
               Finally,  Dada  Gurudev  Shri  Premsuriji  Maharaja   presence of an aged saint, Muni Dhanpalvijayji. AŌ er
           showed  the  young  saint’s  Kundali  to  a  profound   compleƟ on  of  a  certain  porƟ on,  Dada  Gurudev  took
           astrologer.  The  astrologer  concluded  :  “Instead  of   a  test.  Amidst  everyone’s  astonishment,  Bal  Muni
           making  him  learn  and  remember  sootras,  teach  him   Jaygoshvijayji not only passed with  ß ying colours but
           the  meanings  and  explain  him  new  concepts  from   also secured the Þ rst posiƟ on. Dada Gurudev’s arrow
           your scriptures.” Dada Gurudev devised an innovaƟ ve   hit  the  target...!!
           scheme  for  the  same.                                   When Bal Muni Þ rst Ɵ me reached Palitana from

               V.S.  2008’s  Chomasu  was  in  Lalbaug-Mumbai.   Mumbai alongwith Gurudev Shri Bhanuvijiayji, seeing
           With  Dada  Gurudev’s  blessings,  in  no  Ɵ me,  Muni   his  mischief,  at  Þ rst  glance  Dada  Gurudev  remarked,
           Bhanuvijay  formed  a  team  of  young  saints...    ‘’Who  have  you  got  along  ?(??)’’  But  aŌ er  Dada
           Approximately  35  young  monks  in  a  short  span  of   Gurudev  showered  his  blessings  on  him,  I  am  sure
           5  years !!  The  responsibility  of  training  and  teaching   people must have asked, ‘’Whom have you got along
           the  young  monks  was  completely  shouldered  by   ! (!!!!)”. The power of Dada Gurudev’s blessing – The
           Dada  Gurudev.                                       quesƟ on mark took the from of an exclamaƟ on... The
                                                                words were the same, the meaning took a 360° turn  !!

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